Well it’s very true, as 'teaching' people can sometimes have devastating effects on their life. It is sometimes wrong to teach anyone but a willing student, people will rebel and are right to. Who the hell is anyone to decide who needs to be taught what? Teaching is wonderful, but only and only when you get the permission of the student themselves to teach them. Anything else is nothing more than dictatorship in a small scale: Overlarding some poor soul because you think you know best. Think of it, how many have regrets in their life because they listened to someone else and not their own hearts? Teacher will appear when the students are ready!

BUT, they are values that we as teachers or parents must pass on to our children. And what if someone says. ‘I never found algebra or E=mc2 within me’. Does teaching come inevitable then?
The truly wonderful thing about teaching is that as a teacher, you facilitate the learning process during the truly "teachable moments. This learning process starts when the student reveals for his/herself the facts being presented. Then, as the student "sifts" through those facts, the amazing learning moments take place as the facts begin to make sense. This process cannot happen unless and until the student begins to validate these thoughts as they relate to life around him or her. The truly great and effective teachers think of creative ways to nurture the self-esteem needed to facilitate learning and make it an enjoyable and meaningful experience.
Good teachers don't simply give information, they inspire students to learn.
Give a man a fish and you have fed him for today. Teach a man HOW to fish and he can feed himself for the rest of his life.
"Many people are good at talking about what they are doing, but in fact do little. Others do a lot but don't talk about it; they are the ones who make a community live." — Jean Vanier.
Best gift to another is to guide and allow him to be independent. Millions of people can look at the same thing, sky, water, and person; and yet, every person sees it differently. We are not all the same and we have our own personal vision. Thinking opposite of someone does not make it wrong or right...it just makes it different, don't let anyone tell you that you have to think like/act/walk/talk, etc... "You" love yourself for who "You Are". if you try to be someone else, you will fail every time! Love yourself!!
Don’t teach or mold a man into someone he can never be, instead, just be there to help him finding and unlock his inner strengths.
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